The best methods to boost your online promotions

September 26, 2022 - Anaïs Sautarel

1 minute

SiteW gives you the best tips to create an online store and boost your online sales during the sales. You already know how to prepare your online promotions effectively. Then, it’ll be necessary to highlight your bestsellers. Here are some tips to communicate with your customers and retain them easily and effectively.

create a newsletter

Send a newsletter to your customers

The newsletter is a basic and effective way to promote your products. You can send a newsletter to your customers to inform them about the sale season and good deals. The Advanced packages of SiteW offer the possibility to send a custom newsletter. To that end, add a Newsletter block by dragging and dropping it on your website, and then click on Manage newsletters to the left of the editor.

Implement promotional campaigns

You can launch an ad campaign with Google Ads to announce your sales. Think about editing your keywords depending on the event. You can also use social media. Moreover, you can add the Social block of SiteW to your website to enable your customers to share their impulse buys and purchases on social networks.

Reward your customers’ loyalty

You can reward the most loyal customers by offering them a custom promo code. SiteW enables you to add promo codes to your store easily. You just need to select your Store block and click on Payment methods. Then, in the properties window, click on the Discounts tab.

build an online store

Increase your average basket

It might be easy to increase the average basket of your customers by offering shipping costs or an additional promotion beyond a certain amount of purchase.

If you have a physical store and an online store

Be coherent. Adopt the same promotional strategies online and offline. Otherwise, you might lose customers. However, some products might be on sale online only.

Don’t miss a sale again. It’s your turn now!

Anaïs Sautarel
As confident in the mountains as with foreign languages, our contents and tool travel around English-speaking and Spanish-speaking countries with me. 🌍

Last update: September 26, 2022