Create a website
to your needs

Create a website with a minimal budget by only enabling features you really need.

Domain names

Personalize your website with a professional name. Register a domain for your website and get a better ranking in search engines and a personalized email address. To get a better search engine ranking in the United States, we suggest that you choose a .US name for your website.
Identical price for all extensions :.US, .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO, .BIZ, .CC, .WS, .ME, .AT, .NAME, .IN, .PL, .DE, .DK, .YT, .FR
StarterEssential ShowcaseAdvanced ShowcaseUnlimited ShowcaseEssential E-commerceAdvanced E-commerceUnlimited E-commerce
Included domain name0111111
Each additional domain name$2.20/month$2.20/month$2.20/month$2.20/month$2.20/month$2.20/month$2.20/month
Included domain nameEach additional domain name
Essential Showcase1$2.20/month
Advanced Showcase1$2.20/month
Unlimited Showcase1$2.20/month
Essential E-commerce1$2.20/month
Advanced E-commerce1$2.20/month
Unlimited E-commerce1$2.20/month
The domain booking is instantaneous and the setup for your website is automatic. If you already own a domain name, you can easily set it up for your newly created website (any domain extension supported) or transfer it to SiteW for full easy management of your website and domain in one place.


Enhance your business by creating professional email addresses (like
StarterEssential ShowcaseAdvanced ShowcaseUnlimited ShowcaseEssential E-commerceAdvanced E-commerceUnlimited E-commerce
Included email addresses012531015
Each additional email adress$1.10/month$1.10/month$1.10/month$1.10/month$1.10/month$1.10/month$1.10/month
Included email addressesEach additional email adress
Essential Showcase1$1.10/month
Advanced Showcase2$1.10/month
Unlimited Showcase5$1.10/month
Essential E-commerce3$1.10/month
Advanced E-commerce10$1.10/month
Unlimited E-commerce15$1.10/month

Extra storage for domain emails

Upgrade the most filled domain emails to 5Gb of storage.
StarterEssential ShowcaseAdvanced ShowcaseUnlimited ShowcaseEssential E-commerceAdvanced E-commerceUnlimited E-commerce
Included email storage0000000
Each additional 5GB email storage$2.20/month$2.20/month$2.20/month$2.20/month$2.20/month$2.20/month$2.20/month
Included email storageEach additional 5GB email storage
Essential Showcase0$2.20/month
Advanced Showcase0$2.20/month
Unlimited Showcase0$2.20/month
Essential E-commerce0$2.20/month
Advanced E-commerce0$2.20/month
Unlimited E-commerce0$2.20/month
Please note that if your current subscription does not yet include a business e-mail address, the addition of the €2/month "E-mail storage" option will automatically entail the addition of the €1/month "Domain e-mail address" option. So the total monthly cost of increasing your e-mail storage space to 5 GB will be €3/month.

Website file storage

Easily upload files and select them from the file manager. Specifically designed for the storage of your website images, store product photos and downloadable files. Each 100 MB allows storage of between 50 and 100 high quality photos.
Essential ShowcaseAdvanced ShowcaseUnlimited ShowcaseEssential E-commerceAdvanced E-commerceUnlimited E-commerce
Included file storage1 GB6 GB10 GB10 GB20 GB30 GB
Each additional 100MB storage$1.10/month$1.10/month$1.10/month$1.10/month$1.10/month$1.10/month
Included file storageEach additional 100MB storage
Essential Showcase1 GB$1.10/month
Advanced Showcase6 GB$1.10/month
Unlimited Showcase10 GB$1.10/month
Essential E-commerce10 GB$1.10/month
Advanced E-commerce20 GB$1.10/month
Unlimited E-commerce30 GB$1.10/month