How to create a baking website?

February 08, 2023 - Frédérique Biau

11 minutes

Do you prefer apple pie, cookies or cinnamon rolls? 🍰

By creating your baking website, you won't have to choose anymore: make all these pastries and present them to your community.

Today, you can create a baking or restaurant website easily to show your passion, your talents and your culinary abilities.

And here 's how to do it!

The advantages of creating a baking website

Creating a baking website will bring you a multitude of benefits.

Before you get started, we've put together the advantages offered by a baking website 👇

Share your passion

To begin with, a baking website is the perfect place to share your passion with thousands of other apprentices and experts.

Plus, by sharing your love of cooking and your tips, you can learn more about your art and passion.

Something to learn from each other and improve your baking over time! ⏰

Make your passion your profession

Moreover, a website can also allow you to monetize your work, by selling a cookbook or documents online. You can also organize workshops or masterclasses for those who want to learn from you

Your baking website can, with patience and rigor, become your business, so...

...Why not start?


Become a reference in your field

Yes, beyond sharing your passion and recipes, a successful baking blog can become very influential and take you very far.

Take the example of Dorian Hunter. Maybe her name doesn't mean anything to you, but if we tell you Masterchef...'ll see who we're talking about!

Now she has her own cooking website and gives baking master classes. 🧁

Participating in events

Finally, without going as far as participating in one of the most famous TV shows of the last years, your website can allow you to participate in events.

Meetings with great pastry chefs, conferences on new products, exhibitions on cooking...

There are a lot of cooking events and, thanks to your website, you may be able to participate in them.


So, maybe your success starts with this website. So let's see how to create it, from A to 𝙒.

Create a baking website

Create a baking website easily

Because yes: creating a baking website is much less complicated than making choux pastry.

You just need to adopt the right tools and the right method to make your website successful.

Here's everything you need to prepare before you get started 👇

All the necessary ingredients

Indeed, it is important to think about several elements before you start creating your website. This will allow you to clearly define your objectives, evaluate your potential evolution and determine your needs in terms of website design.

For an optimal preparation and a perfect recipe, here is the list of ingredients: 🥣

An appetizing website starts with a perfectly designed layout. In the case of a baking website, you have a wide choice in terms of style: minimalist and modern for sleek cakes, hand-made for gourmet recipes, raw for easy to make recipes...

You can communicate your vision of cooking through your design.

Call on a chef
Info play

You can hire a web designer to create your entire graphic design, or follow guidelines to create it yourself.

  • A tasteful domain name

Your domain name is also an essential ingredient since it will allow you to have a readable URL, protect your name and create professional email addresses.

This domain name should represent you, be memorable and spelled correctly. Don’t use special characters or points, separate the words with dashes.

For example, if your website is called "The sugar shack", you can check its availability and register your domain name with SiteW: the-sugar-shack, thesugarshack, sugar-shack...

  • A meticulous project

Indeed, a baking website can have lots of contents: photos, videos, recipes, blogs, online courses, ebooks to download...

Clearly, it is important to think beforehand of the topics you want to write about. This will give you a base and allow you to choose the right subscription plan.

However, if you don't have a clear idea or you want to do everything, be aware that some website design services will allow you to fulfill all your desires easily. 💡


  • Equipment adapted to your practice

Finally, a baking website may require some equipment. In addition to the basic cooking and baking equipment, you may need a quality camera or a video camera in order to illustrate your website and show your talent to your community.

And why not?
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You can also hire a professional food photographer, this option is more expensive but you will have quality photos to illustrate your recipes. 📸

Now, your project is clear in your head and so is your possible evolution. Now it's time to move to a new adventure: creating your food website. 🍫

Preheat your oven to 180°, and let's go!

SiteW can help you

If you need a dedicated helper, here is SiteW. Our website design solution is designed to be simple and easy to use so that everyone can have a place to showcase their work.

Here is everything we did to make it easier for you to devote all your time to your passion: 🥧

  • Adapted subscription plans

A great advantage of SiteW is its wide choice of subscription plans. Our packages start with a five page website (free Starter package).

But, if you want to go further, you can easily change your package.

Our website design packages:

  • The Starter plan is completely free and without commitment. It allows you to create a website with 5 pages and register a domain name.
  • The Essential plan ($8,00/Month for 1 month, and $6,60/month for an annual subscription, with 2 months offered) is ideal to begin and give visibility to your business. You can enjoy unlimited access to the Blog block, and a free domain name.
  • The Advanced plan ($15,00/Month for 1 month and $12,50/month for a yearly subscription with 2 months free) is perfect for professionals who want a showcase for their activity. It allows you to create a site easily (with Blog, Forms, Comments, Forum, Newsletter, Social Media, etc.).
  • The Unlimited plan ($21,00/Month for 1 month and $20,80/month for a yearly subscription, with 2 months free) allows you to create a showcase website with an unlimited number of pages, a strong storage capacity and professional email addresses.

Our ecommerce packages:

  • The Essential Ecommerce plan ($25,00/Month for 1 month, and $20,80/month for an annual subscription with 2 months offered) allows you to start selling online, with a domain name included, as well as an online store within the limit of 25 products and 5 categories.
  • The Advanced Ecommerce plan ($39,00/Month for 1 month, and $32,50/month for a yearly subscription, with 2 months offered) is perfect to grow your business. It allows you to create a complete store with 100 products and 50 categories and with management of shipping costs and a wide choice of payment methods.
  • The Unlimited Ecommerce plan  ($69,00/Month for 1 month, and $57,50/month for a yearly subscription, with 2 months offered) is  especially for professionals and large online stores. It allows you to have a complete online store with unlimited products and categories. You can also create email campaigns for your customers, get multi-user access and priority assistance in case of a problem.

We do not charge any commission.

  • Tempting templates 

The interest of a website design solution is to have a template designed by experts, that is a functional base to work with.

On SiteW, there are templates designed for food bloggers, restaurants, to showcase your recipes. But you can also choose another template that you like and customize it as you wish.

Indeed, the customization system is very, very simple. 🎨

A super simple system

SiteW provides you with predefined functions (calles blocks) that you just have to drag and drop onto the page.

Text block of SiteW

Then, you just have to customize them on the left of the  editor. The blocks will appear where you want them to and they will look the way you want.

  • Uncompromising support

Finally, SiteW offers you a support service, ready to intervene whenever you need it. The rest of the time, you are totally autonomous to build a website that you love.

However, as always with pastry, the finishing touches make the difference.

So here is the icing on the cake: let’s see how to make your website a real success.

Create a website

A delicious baking website

 For your baking website to enjoy the success it deserves, it must be optimized for:

  1. Visibility,

  2. User experience,

  3. And design.

Our tips are here to help you achieve the best result as easily as possible.

The visibility of your website

SEO allows you to increase the visibility of your website. An optimized and well thought SEO strategy allows you to rank on the first page of Google for relevant requests.

To achieve this result, you can implement these few tips:

  • Use specific keywords

There are many food websites on the web. So, in order for yours to stand out, you must use specific keywords that will allow you to target a qualified audience.

For example, you can highlight the fact that you want to make easy recipes, without wheat or  dairy, cheap, fat-free or zero waste recipes...

Your keywords should highlight your top skills in order to rank on relevant queries.

  • Create content sections

After finding the most relevant keywords, you have to place them on your website. And, you will agree with us: a recipe does not contain a lot of text.

To overcome this problem, you can add blocks that allow you to add content. Of course, only do this if these blocks are relevant to your user experience.

For example, you can add a FAQ block to answer the most recurrent questions about your recipes, your tips, your equipment...

Faq block of SiteW

You can also add a Blog block to create a space dedicated to the production of articles.

Blog block of SiteW

However, keep in mind that a food blog needs to be updated regularly, so be sure to have ideas!

  • Caption your photos

Of course, your website will be fed with photos and videos. So remember to caption your photos, for example, by naming them with clear keywords and optimizing them.

This will allow you to appear in image search engines, often neglected and yet essential to give visibility to your website.

  • Check the load time of your website

However, a food website can take a long time to load because of the large number of photos and illustrations. A website that takes a long time to load can be a problem in terms of SEO because it can be penalized by Google..

Therefore, check regularly that your website loads quickly and that all pages are fluid and well structured.

Even if, between us, SiteW has already planned everything so that your website is as responsive as possible!

The essential features for your website

Now, let's talk about the user experience and the features to be implemented. These features will allow you to provide your visitors a smooth navigation, a user-friendly experience, so that they can take advantage of your tips and expertise.

  • The Search block

The Search block allows you to add a search bar to your website. This will allow users to quickly find a recipe, a recipe for their snack, their birthday or their meal.

Search block of SiteW

  • The Commentary Block

Baking is all about sharing. 🍰

To start sharing with your community, it is interesting to add a Comment block to create a communication space for users. They will be able to give you tips, ways to improve, or ask you questions.

Comment block of SiteW

You can also add a Forum block if you want to promote sharing and exchange within your community.

  • The Newsletter block

The newsletter is an excellent way to build a stronger relationship with your community while working on your marketing strategy with the collected email addresses.

If you want to create a newsletter (like a recipe of the week or an exclusive tip...), you can add this block.

Newsletter block of SiteW

This button allows users to easily subscribe to your newsletter and receive it regularly.

  • The Download block

Finally, the Download block can be very useful in case you want to create a recipe ebook or a white paper.

This block allows the user to securely download a document that you have uploaded.

Download block of SiteW

Your website has gained visibility and popularity with these tips, well done! 👏

But, in order for it to become as timeless and cult as a macaroon, let's move on to the last step: the design. ✏️

A design that makes your mouth water

Don't they say that you eat with your eyes first?

It's the same for a website, even more for a baking blog. So think about improving the design of your website down to the smallest details, especially with these blocks:

  • The Illustration block

To make your website more modern, you can add an Illustration block and search the most relevant images in the database.

Illustration block of SiteW

This will whet visitors' appetites while adding a special touch to the design!

  • The Strip block and the Shape block

To highlight your images, buttons or text, you can use the Strip and Shape blocks.

For example, the Shape block offers you original shapes like stars, but also simple geometric forms to place behind your text or picture like right below.

Shape block of SiteW

This can also allow you to dress up your content and create visual sections. Highlight your recipes, create a cooking or baking site 😉

With SiteW, your website is ready to come out of the oven. 🍴

Get started, it's free!

Frédérique Biau
Editor and translator
I am passionate about science fiction, new technologies, writing and art in general. I started my career as a Cultural Manager. It is with pleasure and enthusiasm that I am a writer and web translator with 9 years of experience. ✍️

Last update: February 08, 2023

Create a website easily

  • Immediate launch
  • Intuitive creation
  • Quick-to-react customer service